Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol soundtrack

The single most requested item since the book came out last year was a soundtrack release of the songs from Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol and now, after 48 years, I'm pleased to announce that you can finally buy Styne and Merrill's classic songs from the special! 

Due to the economics of manufacturing and distribution, not to mention the lead time for the distribution pipeline, Classic Media determined that the fastest and most cost effective solution was to release the songs as digital downloads rather than as a single CD. 

So starting today, all the songs are available for download from Amazon and iTunes.  Classic Media went back to the original source material to get the highest possible quality for this release.  It's been a long time coming and kudos to Classic Media for finally making it happen.  You can leave feedback for them here.

Alas, neither Walter Scharf's gorgeous musical score nor the super rare Overture made it to this collection but if you would like to see a future release of that material, you can contact Classic Media here.


  1. Downloaded & burned to a CD. I have been waiting for decades for this since seeing the very first television broadcast of this classic back in the day.

    Thank you for this post & this blog!

  2. I'm grateful and happy to have this, BUT I'd love a proper CD release w/missing score and artwork! I'm sure you had a hand in this so thanks Darrell! Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I haven't been able to find this in the MP3 store on Amazon. Were the songs only available for a limited time? Any chance on a proper CD release for the 50th Anniversary?

  4. I asked Classic Media about the missing songs on both iTunes and Amazon and I was told that they have transitioned to a new digital distributor, which unfortunately did not get the songs up in time for the Christmas holiday.

    There will be no 50th anniversary CD this year but there is still some digging going on in the archives. If anything is discovered, you will hear about it here first.


  5. I must be technologically stupid but I just don't get this.... the only song available on iTunes is Winter Was Warm. If the songs were digitized for download in 2010 then how is there a distribution problem in 2012? I guess somebody wants their pound of flesh ... "ringle, ringle coins when they jingle make such a happy sound...."

    p.s. love this blog

  6. I must be technologically stupid but I just don't get this.... the only song available on iTunes is Winter Was Warm. If the songs were digitized for download in 2010 then how is there a distribution problem in 2012? I guess somebody wants their pound of flesh ... "ringle, ringle coins when they jingle make such a happy sound...."

  7. I don't completely understand it, either, but if I had to guess, I would say that it has to do with bookkeeping and who counts the money.

  8. Anyone know why the album is gone from Amazon.com? I just got high speed internet today after years of being condemned to dial up and wanted to buy it and now the album is GONE!! :(

  9. Last I heard, Classic Media was changing distributors and if I had to guess, I'd say the distributor is not particularly worried about not having Christmas songs up until the holidays.
